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IBC 2024:人工智能在媒体中的最大力量是让它看起来很正常


很难让人工智能远离新闻头条 IBC展会2024, not because there was anything groundbreaking in terms of news or product but because the technology is now part and parcel of every 媒体 tech conversation.

“这是人工智能的分水岭,——安迪·胡德, 广告集团新兴技术副总裁 WPP 他在IBC会议上说. “因为人工智能使我们组织中各个层面的人都能做他们需要做的事情.”

Messaging about the practical and positive application of AI – in which humans remain in the loop – contrasts with the feverish scare-mongering about the impact of Generative AI and fallout from the Hollywood strikes.

“人工智能是一个流行词,但它也是一种可以用来创造令人兴奋的新产品的技术,Huma Lodhi说, 首席机器学习工程师, 天空, 展示了一个人工智能驱动的体育集锦生成器,该生成器为天空电视台和康卡斯特赢得了技术艾美奖.

也就是说, there was little talk and less application-specific mention of GenAI for automating entire crafts like scriptwriting or VFX let alone narrative content. The fear of algorithms replacing jobs has changed toward positive adoption of AI for analytics and back-office systems and some production functions. AI in tandem with cloud is now seen as absolutely key to getting the broadcast industry back on a level financial keel.

人工智能就是一个例子,人类可能会因为不知道的东西而变得非常抵触派拉蒙全球执行副总裁兼首席技术官菲尔明智说. “我们的大部分时间都花在了科技相关的教育项目上. 我们甚至会坐在制作现场讨论想法,而不是试图自上而下地强迫别人.” 

从左到右:Bhavik Vyas, AWS; Maninder Saini, 12个实验室; Lewis Smithingham, Monks; Richard Kerris, 英伟达; Sepi Motamedi, 英伟达

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Banijay娱乐是一家总部位于法国的电视制作公司,今年的收入有望达到40亿欧元. 它与Adobe和AWS合作,对所有200个网站进行索引,它拥有超过000小时的内容,旨在加快和扩大发行版本.

“经过大量的实验, 很明显,人工智能驱动的工作流程和物流将大大节省成本,提高我们的盈利能力,首席营销官达米安·维尔(Damien Viel)说. “我们对待人工智能就像创办一家新企业一样. We remain a creative company not a tech company so we have to make sure we’re building tech that helps creatives to do their job in ways they’ve always done.”

类似的, Olympics host broadcaster OBS is using AI to achieve ‘glocal’ scale for clipping and distribution of its live content to digital platforms but is wary of cutting humans out of the chain.

“We could have used AI to publish direct to users this year from Paris but you still need checks and balances which only experienced editors can do,克里斯·杰克逊解释道, 数字数据和分析全球主管, 奥运频道.

他警告说,你的人工智能产品能力越强,引入偏见和错误的风险就越大. “我们建立了一个编辑副驾驶,以帮助人工编辑在直接提供给最终用户之前检查输出数据.”


AI is deemed essential to unlocking IP in content owners’ archives and in slicing and dicing content for increasingly personalized 媒体 streams.

“我们正处于内容创作革命的开端,弗雷德·霍雷什说, GenAI平台人工智能战略合作主管 Bria. Moving from 广播 one idea to a model in which 媒体 is expressed and manifested in a multitude of different variations.”

Panelists agreed that consumers want more targeted individualized playlists and that broadcast is naturally evolving to a streamed ‘Me TV.’

“对于版权所有者来说,我们正处于一个新的前沿,可以充分利用他们拥有的丰富IP,曼宁德·塞尼说, 业务增长主管 12个实验室, which has developed a deep learning model that extracts 信息 about content and users from multiple touchpoints.

“广播、体育联盟、团队和工作室都坐在IP上,不知道该怎么做. 使用基于人工智能的元数据提取, 他们可以理解他们所拥有的,并通过定向广告和超本地化视频来获得更多.”

Using AI to turn a content archive from a cost center to one of profit will only work if content owners transfer their systems to the cloud. 刘易斯·史密斯汉, 蒙克斯战略产业执行副总裁指出, “拥有LTO磁带档案的内容所有者将在资产货币化方面面临挑战.”

There are monetization opportunities for service providers if they can sell personalized content recommendations or promotions.

“我们很快就会看到人工智能对内容的影响,”媒体副总裁兼总经理理查德·克里斯(Richard Kerris)说 & 英伟达娱乐. “我们已经看到,在不同地区的体育赛事中,屏幕上的标志可以改变. A next step is that AI will hyper-localize the product placement in a live broadcast down to highly specific geographic areas and specific products.”


There remain concerns about the rapid pace and lack of precedent for a technology with the potency of AI but in terms of implementing safeguards and regulation the industry, 我们在IBC被告知, 得到了这个.

SMPTE总裁雷纳德·詹金斯(Renard Jenkins)谈到了人工智能在美国的许多“软部署”&SMPTE正在与工作室合作, 内容所有者和供应商围绕人工智能实施的教育.

“Technology is accelerating beyond our ability to keep up with it so we’re working with the community to understand what they are planning and launching. 人工智能是我们设计方式的根本性改变, 我们使用什么以及如何将其集成到我们的个人流程中. 在人工智能时代,我们必须有护栏,这就是政策和标准变得极其重要的地方.”

随着欧盟人工智能法案的生效, a Senior Policy Advisor for the European Broadcasting Union told IBC that work with AI developers was still ongoing – meaning that issues of protection and remuneration for content creators had not been resolved.

 “We want to have a comprehensive discussion with AI providers that gives our members levers to negotiate something in return for use of their content,弗朗索瓦·拉瓦说. “我们的目标是给予会员控制权.”

A word of warning came from Juan Reyes of the Tech Align Group; “AI is in every room and every panel here at IBC but there is no standard and no guideline. Studios are concerned about losing their IP to another studio or content creator studio because their IP has not been tracked or accounted for in AI systems.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

IBC 2024流媒体文摘- AI, 5G,直播体育,货币化,内容管理等

ICYMI:这里是流媒体的IBC 2024报道的完整集合. 与参展商, 演讲者, 以及来自170多个国家的游客, 今年的活动是所有最新流媒体的深度聚宝盆, 广播, 媒体, 娱乐热点话题, 包括人工智能, 5G, 现场直播的体育, 内容创作, 还有更多.

IBC 2024:通过与Imaginario AI对话实现更好的内容管理

One AI-driven solution that stood out at IBC 2024 as particularly smart and creative comes from a London-based company called Imaginario AI. 我会见了首席执行官兼联合创始人Jose M. Puga and got an up-close look at a content indexing and curation tool that uses multimodal AI models to "make video content searchable like text." Imaginario AI made a big enough splash at IBC this year to take home 1st prize in the "Manage" category of the IABM's BaM awards.

IBC 2024:你(可能)错过的四件事

服务器引导广告插入的新创新, 基于nrcs的新闻节目制作管理, 减少人工智能工作流程的成本和碳排放, 基于人工智能的云存储和媒体资产管理等.

派拉蒙全球首席技术官:IBC 2024:转向流媒体获得回报

Paramount Global is under the pump and about to be sold but its future is bright because it is successfully transferring systems from production to distribution in the Cloud, 该公司执行副总裁兼首席技术官表示, 菲尔明智.

IBC 2024:内容观看的未来

Women in 流媒体 presented a fascinating panel on "The Future of Content Viewing" at IBC 2024 that kicked off with some striking data, 由Omdia高级研究主任Maria Rua Aguete提供. 以M开头 & 电子商务市场的总收入有望在2024年突破1万亿美元,其中61%来自广告, “每个人都知道你不能再只靠潜艇赚钱了."

IBC 2024:在拥挤的流媒体市场中获取客户

Much of what I saw at IBC 2024 focused on various new and nearly new strategies for solving one of the oldest problems in the M&E和OTT世界:在一场持续而拥挤的争夺眼球的战斗中,抓住并留住客户的注意力.

IBC 2024: 5G和体育直播贡献

许多人在体育博彩领域提出了5g的理由, and lamented the less-explosive-than-expected growth in that area as a lost opportunity for 5G to demonstrate its prowess. 尽管5G和道具投资仍然是一对般配的组合, much of the 5F buzz at IBC2024 concerned the ways 5G is enabling 现场直播的体育 streamers doing cloud production to bring in multiple feeds and deliver more dynamic and engaging streams and quick-turn highlights.

IBC 2024: Gracenote展示新的手表提示数据集,推动观众收听和参与

利用人工智能和人类编辑专业知识, 观看提示补充Gracenote视频描述提供事实, 人才招, 内容比较.

IABM警告说,IBC 2024:媒体供应商为了收入和效率而牺牲培训和互操作

在IBC2024, IABM已经警告媒体技术供应商,他们不能继续以他们一贯的方式做生意. 更重要的是, 他们正在优先投资能够产生收入的产品, 灵活性, 以及以牺牲培训和互操作性为代价的效率.
